We love to share our creativity. The process of creating the guiding ideas of our campaigns - brainstorming over what and who inspires us the most, which will motivate us and drive us in the coming months, and what will make us feel (and of course look) best - these are the moments we live! 

Each campaign is an opportunity to meet and explore new talents or deepen ties with those with whom we have already worked. The Press campaign is to follow the girl, in a cosmopolitan space - with the first rays of the sun on her cheeks, captured by Asia Tatek in the Spanish capital. The choice of ASI Tatk as our photographer was an obvious choice for our vision! She is known for capturing stylish and passionate women around the world. He has an eye to search for those who designate trends - in their daily activities. 

 When the collection is already waiting for our studio, when the campaign is photographed - we transfer our inspirations and ideas from the online world to "real". And yes - we mean our stationary stores! This time we decided to invite local Polish artists to create their own "worlds" on the sites of our stores! Each of their vision of spring is different and we love them the most! You can go on a trip around Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Poznań, Krakow and see the work of Polish creators of illustrations. We love to surround ourselves with art, creative souls and we are grateful that we could share their work with those who visit our stores <3