Dear customers, friends
and partners,

A decade ago, a random meeting in Warsaw joined us with each other.
We were mLodge and full of dreams, wanting to find their place in the world.
We have just graduated and we were full of uncertainty about ours
professional future. Brygida, with her unwavering passion for fashion, dreamed about
life among the catwalks and photo sessions. Her path began with an internship and in
The end led her to work as a stylist for Polish fashion magazines.
Justyna, after graduating in the history of art, explored the world of art,
trying your hand as an art dealer and taking the first steps in the media
social networking at the Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. In those days
Warsaw was a lively playground for 20 -year -olds, full of shows
Fashion and After Party.

One late night we started talking about why it is so difficult to find
Perfect t-shirts or simple clothes with open back in stores. Why would
Do not create a small collection and try to set up a brand? In 2014 it was not
Easy task, but we knew we could create something else. We had a mission,
To give women more than just clothes - we wanted to help them build certainty

In all this euphoria, we were also naive, believing that everything would go
Smoothly - but it didn't happen. We were not taken seriously and
We met with countless refusals from producers. In a short
time we heard more "no" than ever in our lives. But no
We gave up. We believed with all our heart in The Odder Side, what is most important,
We had each other. So we still pressed. And so in 2014 finally
We introduced our first collection consisting of eight elements: two
T-shirts with bare backs, sweatshirts with bare backs, two tops, two
skirts and dresses. Our first boutique? Justyna's apartment, where our first
Customers did shopping among good chaos, and Justyna's dog charmed everyone
as our unofficial mascot.

Since then, every like, comment and purchase have fueled our journey and
They transformed our dream into reality. You were with us at every step;
Your trust and support were our greatest motivation. Celebrating our 10.
Anniversary, we are filled with gratitude and emotions. What started with
two of us, now they have transformed into a team of almost 100 talented people,
which share our passion and vision. Together we opened seven stores, including
Paris and Amsterdam. Each store reflects the spirit The Odder Side, offering
Space for our community for deeper contact with our brand. Today
We send our packages to the whole world.

The Odder Side It has grown beyond the brand; It has become a lifestyle,
accompanying us and our clients in important moments of life. From everyday
wearing for special occasions, our clothes są with you, combining simplicity,
Comfort and timeless style. It is touching to know that our creations sand
part of your stories, milestones and unforgettable memories.

So here is a toast for all of you,
those who believed in us and were part The Odder Side over these 10 years. Here is a toast too late nights, early mornings and every challenge that strengthened us. And most importantly, this is a toast for the future - because this journey is far from the end and we can't wait to bring the next decade.

Thank you for being part of our history.

With love and gratitude,

Justyna and Brygida The Odder Side